1101 Perimeter Dr. Ste. 220, Schaumburg, IL 60173


Schaumburg Mediation Lawyer

Illinois Mediation Services in Cook County and DuPage County

When parties to a divorce or child custody dispute run into difficulties in communicating and negotiating their differences, they will often benefit from the services of a certified mediator. A mediator is an independent, neutral third party who can facilitate a dialogue regarding disputed issues involving a couple's children, such as the allocation of parental responsibilities, parenting time, and child support. In certain cases, divorcing spouses may also agree to use a mediator in an effort to resolve financial issues such as the distribution of assets, the allocation of debts, and spousal support payments.

The mediation process is confidential, and matters discussed during mediation are not admissible in court. This allows for a more open and fruitful discussion of the issues without fear that something said or brought out in a mediation session will be heard by the judge or somehow come back to harm a person or be used against them in a legal proceeding. At Anderson Attorneys, P.C., we provide divorce mediation services, and we can help couples take steps to resolve divorce-related issues efficiently while minimizing conflict as much as possible.

Understanding the Mediation Process

In the first meeting between the mediator and the spouses, a couple will set ground rules for their discussions, and they can also discuss their goals and objectives. This initial meeting can be crucial, as it sets the tone for the entire mediation process. The mediator will gather basic information about the issues at hand and the goals of each party.

During the mediation sessions, each party will have the opportunity to present their perspective on the issues. The mediator will facilitate discussions by encouraging open communication and ensuring that each party has a chance to speak without interruption. The mediator will help identify common ground and guide the parties toward mutually agreeable solutions. Unlike a court proceeding, where a judge makes the final decisions about the outstanding issues, mediation empowers spouses, ensuring that they will be able to control the outcome of their case.

The Role of the Mediator

A mediator will facilitate discussions and help the parties find common ground, but they will not make decisions for a couple. They may use various techniques to improve communication, reduce misunderstandings, and assist in the exploration of potential solutions. A mediator must remain neutral, and they will not take sides or provide legal advice to either party. Their primary goal is to help spouses agree on how to resolve all outstanding issues, finding solutions that will be acceptable and beneficial for both spouses. At Anderson Attorneys, P.C., our mediation attorney will serve as a compassionate guide through the mediation process, working to help ensure that discussions are productive while guiding spouses toward solutions that will meet their needs.

The Benefits of Mediation

One of the most significant advantages of mediation is that it is generally a much less expensive method of resolving the legal issues involved in a divorce. Litigation can be costly, with both parties being required to pay attorney's fees, court costs, and other expenses, which can quickly add up to thousands of dollars or more. Mediation, on the other hand, usually involves lower overall costs, since spouses will share the fees paid to the mediator, and they may be able to resolve their case in a limited number of mediation sessions.

Mediation is also typically faster than going through the court system. Court cases can take a great deal of time to resolve, sometimes lasting for multiple months or even a year or more. Mediation, on the other hand, can often allow a couple to resolve their disputes in a matter of weeks. This speed can reduce the emotional strain on the parties and their children, since they will be able to reach a resolution and move on with their lives more quickly.

Another benefit of mediation is its confidential nature. Matters resolved in court are part of the public record, but mediation sessions are completely private. This allows the parties to speak more freely and explore solutions without fear of public exposure or worrying that their words might be used against them later.

Additionally, mediation can help preserve relationships and ensure that a couple will be able to get along with each other in the future. Because the process is collaborative rather than adversarial, it encourages cooperation and communication. This can be especially important in cases involving children, and it can help parents maintain a working relationship as they provide for their children's needs in the years to come.

Contact Our Schaumburg, IL Divorce Mediation Attorney

Mediation can provide a helpful, cost-effective way to narrow and resolve divorce-related issues that may otherwise take months or even years to address otherwise. It may also help couples save thousands of dollars in expenses while avoiding stress and minimizing conflict. Anderson Attorneys, P.C. is committed to using mediation as a method of alternative dispute resolution whenever possible. If you would like more information about the mediation services offered by our firm, contact our office at Anderson Attorneys, P.C. to set up a free consultation.

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