1101 Perimeter Dr. Ste. 220, Schaumburg, IL 60173


Schaumburg Nontraditional Family Attorney

Offering Legal Services for Nontraditional Families in Illinois

At Anderson Attorneys, P.C., we understand that families are structured in all kinds of ways. While the traditional nuclear family has many rights prescribed by the law, nontraditional families may need to take additional legal action to ensure their rights are protected. Our firm assists all types of families in establishing their legal rights and making effective plans for the future. We can provide guidance on the best ways to address family law issues, and we can provide representation in any legal matters that may need to be resolved in family court.

Legal Counsel for Nontraditional Families in Illinois

In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples have the right to become legally married. These couples enjoy the same rights and protections as those in "traditional" marriages or relationships. However, they may still encounter issues that could affect their family relationships. If you are in a same-sex relationship or are part of the LGBTQ+ community, our attorney can help explain your rights and counsel you on the necessary legal steps you need to take to protect yourself and your family.

We work with all types of family to provide legal guidance and services in a number of areas, including:

  • Adoptions: Same-sex couples have the right to adopt children, and in some cases, a person may take steps to adopt their same-sex partner's biological child. We can help ensure that all legal procedures are followed correctly during the adoption process, including establishing either open or closed adoption agreements based on a family's situation and needs. We can ensure that the rights of adoptive parents are protected so that they can maintain relationships with their children regardless of what may happen in the future.
  • Grandparents' rights: Children often establish strong bonds with their grandparents, and these relationships should be allowed to continue, regardless of the form a family takes. We can work with grandparents to establish visitation rights that will ensure that they can be a meaningful part of their grandchildren's lives.
  • Cohabitation agreements: In cases where same-sex couples or others in nontraditional relationships live together without getting married, it can be beneficial to establish legal agreements that detail their rights and responsibilities. This can ensure that the rights of all parties involved will be protected in the event of a breakup or another event that may affect a family.
  • Estate planning: Same-sex couples and other family members may need to take steps to ensure that their loved ones will be provided for in the future. We can help establish comprehensive estate plans that address the distribution of assets after a person's death while ensuring that wishes regarding medical care and financial matters will be followed.
  • Guardianships: Nontraditional families may need to establish legal arrangements in which a person will have the right to make decisions for someone else and an obligation to provide for their best interests. These may include guardianships of minor children or disabled adults.

Divorce and Nontraditional Families

Just as traditional marriages can end in divorce, the partners in a nontraditional relationship may also decide to separate. These cases involve dealing with many of the same issues that arise in a "traditional" divorce, including:

  • Child custody: When same-sex partners share children, they will need to make decisions about how they will work together as co-parents after getting a divorce. Special arrangements may need to be made to address situations where one spouse was not a child's legal parent.
  • Visitation: Parents will need to establish schedules to ensure that they can both spend time with their children and provide the necessary care after their marriage ends.
  • Child support: Both parents will be required to provide for their children's financial needs. Financial support arrangements may be established, with ongoing payments being based on both parents' incomes. Parents will also need to determine how they will share various child-related expenses.
  • Maintenance/alimony: In cases where one same-sex partner earned a higher income, they may be required to make ongoing support payments to their ex-spouse.
  • Division of property: A married couple will need to determine how to divide the property they acquired during their marriage. This issue may become more complex if a same-sex couple had been in a long-term relationship before becoming legally married.

We can assist you in making the necessary arrangements to separate your life from your partner's life in the most efficient way possible. Where children are involved, we take care to protect their best interests while working to satisfy the needs and objectives of our clients.

Contact Our Schaumburg LGBTQ+ Family Law Attorney

To learn more about how we can assist your nontraditional family as you address legal concerns, contact us at 847-850-8899 to schedule a free consultation. From our Schaumburg law office, we serve clients throughout the entire Chicago area.

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