1101 Perimeter Dr. Ste. 220, Schaumburg, IL 60173


Schaumburg College Expense Support Attorney

Divorce Lawyers Helping Clients Navigate College Expenses in Schaumburg, IL

Divorce is a complex process that affects many aspects of a family's life, including the financial responsibilities that will apply to spouses. One significant concern for divorcing parents is how to handle their children's post-secondary educational expenses. In Illinois, this issue is governed by the law 750 ILCS 5/513, which outlines the responsibilities of both parents and the child when it comes to paying for college.

To better understand key points of the law, including who is responsible for these expenses and under what conditions liability may extend beyond the typical age limit, contact an attorney at Anderson Attorneys, P.C.. Our trusted legal professionals can help ensure that your child's education does not fall by the wayside as you navigate your divorce.

Responsibilities Under 750 ILCS 5/513

Illinois law mandates that both parents and the child may share responsibility for the child's post-secondary educational expenses. This includes tuition, books, fees, housing, and other costs associated with attending college. The law recognizes that education is vital and that both parents should contribute to their children's future, even if they are no longer married.

Unless there is an agreement between the parents, a court may order contributions based on each parent's financial situation and the child's capability to assist with their own educational costs through loans, grants, or employment.

Age Limitations on Liability

A significant aspect of Illinois law is the age limitation it imposes on the responsibility for college expenses. According to the law, neither parent is liable for any educational expenses beyond the student's 23rd birthday. This provision helps create a clear boundary for the duration of financial obligation, providing some certainty for parents as they plan for their financial future and address their children's needs.

However, there are circumstances under which the court may decide to extend this deadline. If the court finds it reasonable, it may require parents to contribute to college expenses through the child's 25th birthday. This extension might apply in situations where the child's educational path is extended due to unforeseen circumstances, such as health issues or the pursuit of advanced degrees that require more time for completion.

Factors the Court Considers When Addressing College Expenses

When determining the amount and duration of financial support for college expenses, the court will take several factors into consideration. These can include:

  • The financial resources of both parents: The court will assess each parent's income, assets, and overall financial situation to determine their ability to contribute to college expenses.
  • The child's resources: Any financial aid, scholarships, college savings accounts, or income the child can obtain independently will be considered.
  • The standard of living the child would have enjoyed if the parents had stayed together: The court aims to ensure that the child's educational opportunities will not be unfairly compromised due to the parents' divorce.
  • The cost of education: The court will evaluate the specific expenses associated with the child's college education, including tuition, fees, and living costs.

Practical Implications for Divorcing Parents

For parents going through a divorce in Illinois, it is crucial to address the issue of college expenses early in the process. By understanding the law and discussing potential agreements with the other parent, you can reduce conflict and ensure your child's educational needs are met.

It is also essential to work with an experienced family law attorney who can guide you through the complexities of Illinois law and advocate for a fair arrangement. An attorney can help you gather the necessary financial information, present a compelling case to the court, and negotiate with the other parent to reach an amicable agreement.

Contact Our Schaumburg, IL Divorce Lawyer for College Expenses

During your divorce, navigating the financial responsibilities related to college expenses can be challenging, but you do not need to address these issues alone. Contact our office at 847-850-8899 to learn more about how we can help you. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your case today.

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